Hey guys! Here is the current state of the main Creek projects.


Main tasks right now:

  1. Add CMS tools: Adding content management tools, so that you can add shows, broadcasts, and playlists.
  2. Add Playlist Editor: Create the playlist editor.


Part of the Creek Broadcaster project.

  • Status: 90%


  • Convert OGG Vorbis files to MP3 before uploading them.
  • Record exact-length segments of audio (like 5:05pm—6:15pm) rather than 30-minute segments (which are then combined to form the full 1-2 hour shows).

App Framework

A framework for building apps for community radio stations and audio organizations.

  • Status: 90%


  • Improve speed of new app creation: Create a deployment process using fastlane.
  • Subscriptions: Add Apple Pay and Google Pay so that users can pay for monthly subscriptiosn to use the app.

Website Framework

A website framework for community radio stations and audio organizations.

ETA: End of June, 2020.


  • Convert Vue.js components to Nuxt.js, so that they can be rendered serverside.
  • Add WordPress integration for posts.
  • Add more intelligence to the lisve stream player component.

Stats and Reports

Like a mini Google Analytics, but for listener statistics and music licensing reports.


  • Automatically create reports.
  • Create an interface for viewing graphs of users.

Live Streaming Device

The live audio streaming tools for the Creek Broadaster. It's like a Barix or Telos device, but with a modern web interface (the Creek Studio).

  • Complete: 90%
  • ETA: Already works. Needs a UI, though – ETA for that is end of May 2020.


  • Add a user interface, so that you can edit the stream settings.

Radio Automation

The radio automation tools for the Creek Broadaster. It's like RadioDJ or StationPlaylist, but integrated with the Creek Studio.

  • Complete: 70%
  • ETA: End of July 2020.


  • Playlist editor: Build the playlist editor in the Creek Studio, which doubles as the playlists for automation.